A systematic approach of correct laboratory commissioning: special procedural features for medical laboratories using the example of specialised forms of care

von | Nov. 6, 2024 | Original Papers


Since the complexities of commissioning medical laboratory tests have grown continuously as a result of the increase in specialised forms of care, this article aims to create a practice-oriented structure of the legal and procedural requirements and to illustrate these using case studies – specifically using the example of so-called ambulatory medical specialist care (ASV) in accordance with Par. 116b SGB V and selected selective contracts in accordance with Par. 140a SGB V. Even if the system of correct laboratory billing described in our previous articles has remained largely valid, we believe that structuring specialised forms of care in the outpatient sector would be particularly helpful. In addition to our previous articles on the system of correct laboratory billing, it is shown that laboratory commissioning must also be systematically correct and that all parties involved in the process (doctor’s surgeries, clinics, medical laboratories and insured persons) will benefit from this. In doing so, we are developing a system for correct laboratory ordering that leads to an improvement in process quality and process simplification when functionalised via so-called “order/entry”- or automated registration systems.

Keywords: medical laboratory commissioningambulatory medical specialist care (Par. 116b SGB V)selected selective contracts (Par. 140a SGB V)

Journal of Laboratory Medicine. Credits: DE GRUYTER
Journal of Laboratory Medicine. Credits: DE GRUYTER

Original Paper:

  • Jan Rathenberg  , Niklas Pallast , Katharina Wähner , Marcel Wähner und Cornelia Wohlfart

Aus der Zeitschrift Journal of Laboratory Medicine
